When looking to renting a limousine, it will be important for a client to understand a number of things. Clients look for the Limo service Stamford CT, for various reasons. There are those who could be looking to using this automobile in a marriage ceremony, for an airport transfer, or even when heading to the prom.
Leasing a sedan to head to or from the airport will often vary in terms of cost. It depends on where you would like to be taken and the number of people in the traveling party. In many cases, the costs will vary between twenty dollars and fifty dollars.
Limos come in six main sizes. These are; sedans, stretch sedans, six passenger stretch vehicles, eight passenger stretch vehicles, ten passenger stretch vehicles and twelve to eighteen super stretch automobiles. For the latter, clients have to pay premium rates due to limited availability.
When renting a limousine, you will find that the rates will be between fifty and three hundred dollars for each hour. The SUV tends to attract higher rates than other kinds. When booking, the company will expect you to pay for a minimum of three hours service.
For all the rental companies that are available, there is none that will provide a rental for one hour. The reason behind this being that the firm would be operating at a loss were it to choose to operate this way. Many companies will therefore choose to provide vehicles for a period of three hours or more.
When leasing, it will be important to make an inquiry on what is included in the actual charge. In many cases, a company should provide an all-inclusive charge. This will be representative of the total fare as well as any other gratuities that are payable.
A client will need to make sure that he has tipped the driver at the end of the journey. Just like other professionals in the service industry, drivers need to be tipped for the service that they have provided to you. The tip should be at least twenty percent of the total amount of money paid as fare.
Many clients often wonder whether alcohol consumption is allowed in the limos. In many cases, they are in fact allowed as long as alcohol consumption is allowed within the city of Stamford CT. Underage drinking is however frowned upon as it is illegal.
Upon renting the limo, the company will start charging you based on different mechanisms. There are those that will charge you upon pickup, while others do it immediately the vehicle has begun its journey. It is vital to understand when the charges will begin to apply.
For weddings, the rental charges are often quoted as a package. In the package price, you will note that the following has been included; standard chauffeur gratuity, red carpet roll out, glassware, professionally dresser chauffeur, a non-alcoholic beverage and the necessary decoration. This will often cost about two hundred and twenty five dollars.
Leasing a sedan to head to or from the airport will often vary in terms of cost. It depends on where you would like to be taken and the number of people in the traveling party. In many cases, the costs will vary between twenty dollars and fifty dollars.
Limos come in six main sizes. These are; sedans, stretch sedans, six passenger stretch vehicles, eight passenger stretch vehicles, ten passenger stretch vehicles and twelve to eighteen super stretch automobiles. For the latter, clients have to pay premium rates due to limited availability.
When renting a limousine, you will find that the rates will be between fifty and three hundred dollars for each hour. The SUV tends to attract higher rates than other kinds. When booking, the company will expect you to pay for a minimum of three hours service.
For all the rental companies that are available, there is none that will provide a rental for one hour. The reason behind this being that the firm would be operating at a loss were it to choose to operate this way. Many companies will therefore choose to provide vehicles for a period of three hours or more.
When leasing, it will be important to make an inquiry on what is included in the actual charge. In many cases, a company should provide an all-inclusive charge. This will be representative of the total fare as well as any other gratuities that are payable.
A client will need to make sure that he has tipped the driver at the end of the journey. Just like other professionals in the service industry, drivers need to be tipped for the service that they have provided to you. The tip should be at least twenty percent of the total amount of money paid as fare.
Many clients often wonder whether alcohol consumption is allowed in the limos. In many cases, they are in fact allowed as long as alcohol consumption is allowed within the city of Stamford CT. Underage drinking is however frowned upon as it is illegal.
Upon renting the limo, the company will start charging you based on different mechanisms. There are those that will charge you upon pickup, while others do it immediately the vehicle has begun its journey. It is vital to understand when the charges will begin to apply.
For weddings, the rental charges are often quoted as a package. In the package price, you will note that the following has been included; standard chauffeur gratuity, red carpet roll out, glassware, professionally dresser chauffeur, a non-alcoholic beverage and the necessary decoration. This will often cost about two hundred and twenty five dollars.
About the Author:
You can visit www.hineslimo.com for more helpful information about Limo Service Stamford CT Tips.
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Unknown - Monday, January 12, 2015
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